Discover the fascinating benefits of timber facades in an interview with Pius Jung, Head of Sales Timber Industry and facade specialist. Learn more about the natural beauty, wide-ranging design options, sustainability and outstanding thermal insulation which make timber facades a timeless and environmentally friendly choice. 

Pius, timber facades are well-known for their natural beauty. What more can you tell us about that?

PIUS JUNG Absolutely! Timber facades are undoubtedly a visual highlight. Wood radiates a unique natural beauty that adds timeless charm to any building. The warm colours, unique grains and vibrant texture of the timber create an appealing and inspiring aesthetic. Timber facades not only bring nature into your surroundings, they also give any building a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Pius Jung

About the person

Pius Jung is Head of Sales in the timber industry at Blumer Lehmann and also a facade specialist.

Your enthusiasm for timber facades is easy to see, but can you also tell us what design options wood offers as a material for making facades?

PIUS JUNG Wood offers an incredible range of design options. It can be used with various profiles, colours and surface treatments to achieve the desired architectural style. It doesn’t matter whether you opt for horizontal or vertical boards, shingles or modern timber cladding – the flexibility of wood enables an individual design to be created that emphasises the character and personality of your building. Timber facades are also available with finger-joints and in various grades of timber. Timber can also be easily combined with other materials to create fascinating contrasts and unique design features.

«The flexibility of wood enables an individual design to be created that emphasises the character and personality of your building»
Pius Jung

That sounds really exciting! What about the sustainability of timber facades?

PIUS JUNG Timber facades are definitely a sustainable choice. Timber is a renewable raw material and takes less energy to produce in comparison to other construction materials such as concrete or steel. By using timber as a material for our facades, we are helping to reduce our carbon footprint and are supporting sustainability in the construction industry. Timber also acts as a natural carbon store, as it sequesters carbon and stores it throughout its lifespan. With timber facades, you are not only investing in the beauty of your building, but also in an environmentally friendly future.

That’s amazing! Are there other benefits of timber facades that we should talk about?

PIUS JUNG Definitely! Timber facades offer excellent thermal insulation. The natural cell structure of the wood provides effective insulation, which minimises heat loss and reduces your building’s energy consumption. Having timber facades helps with energy efficiency and can even enable you to reduce your heating and cooling costs.

That sounds really impressive! Thank you Pius for giving us these insights into the world of timber facades.

PIUS JUNG You’re welcome! It’s been a pleasure to talk about this fascinating subject. Timber facades are a timeless and versatile choice for architects and clients. They offer harmonious integration into the natural environment and are a sustainable solution for contemporary architecture.

«By using timber as a material for our facades, we are helping to reduce our carbon footprint and are supporting sustainability in the construction industry’»
Pius Jung