Christine Egli, an architect, works in the Lattich and is responsible for coordinating tenant-related issues. Like her, the tenants of the Lattich value working methods that involve mutual exchange.

In a video interview, she explains how she found her way to the Lattich, what issues matter to the residents and what they think about Blumer Lehmann and the timber module construction.

How the Lattich was created

The Lattich grew from an idea for making temporary use of the St. Gallen freight yard area to an affordable work and meeting location with development potential. Various investors are behind the project – one of which is Blumer-Lehmann AG. The building was planned by the Zurich-based construction firm in situ. The 45 work modules, with an area of just under 30 m2, were prefabricated in our plant, fully equipped with heating, insulation, plumbing, electricity and internet, and installed on site.